Varicose veins are the most obvious sign of circulation problems that can affect the lower parts of the body.
They occur when capillaries and veins become dilated. This is either due to an inflammatory condition or because of an abnormal accumulation of blood. It’s caused by weakness in the walls and valves of the body’s circulatory system.
These veins are well known for their reddish, bruised color, and are considered a common unsightly blemish that affects women (and men, too, although to a lesser extent.)
What’s more, they’re often large and tend to appear in very visible areas of the body, such as the calves and the inner thighs.
The most commonly affects women over the age of 50. However, there are also a number of factors that can cause them to appear in younger women, too.
Luckily, there is a wide range of treatments and cosmetic products whose effects help to diminish the size of varicose veins. In addition, they also improve the health of the circulatory system.
One of the options on offer is 100% natural. Thanks to its composition, it can help treat the problem without causing any nasty side effects.
It’s a natural moisturizer made with olive oil and garlic that provides key nutrients that aid in decreasing inflammation and circulation problems.
1- Varicose veins natural treatment with green tomatoes
Green tomato is a very simple home remedy to get rid of varicose veins.
All you need to do is to wash a few green tomatoes and cut them into circle slices (or rings). Then place the slices of green tomatoes on the nodes of varicose veins and the vein capillary network. If necessary, fixate them with some bandage. Keep the tomato slices at these locations until you feel a tingling sensation on the skin.
If you cannot stand the feeling, remove the tomato slices as soon as you feel a burning sensation, and wash the veins with cold water.
The results will be visible very soon, if this procedure goes well. For better results, repeat the procedure 5 times a day, continuously.
Two weeks after you started this natural treatment, the venous nodes will start to fade. The swelling, capillary network, pain and nodes in the veins will eventually disappear.
2- Varicose veins home treatment with red ripe tomatoes
The procedure is almost the same as the one with the green tomatoes. Wash a few ripe tomatoes, cut them into thin slices and put them on the painful veins for 3-4 hours. Use some bandages to fixate them properly. Wait some time and replace the tomatoes with new ones.
The best time to do this procedure is during the evening or at night. The duration of the treatment is individual. You can also do this home treatment combining with green tomatoes.