Our bodies are very interesting things. They can actually inform us when something is not right. One of the things that our...
Life can often be unfair, and one such instance is the fact that we all just love sugar, while it is detrimental...
The “Egg Diet Plan” is very easy to stick to, fast-food style, with lots of delicious recipes to tempt even the pickiest...
“More than 85 percent of mammalian species are polyphasic sleepers, meaning that they sleep for short periods throughout the day.” ~ National...
When you buy a pair of new shoes, a handbag or dried seaweed, you probably notice the small silica gel packets in...
Warning Signs Your Body is Crying for Help: What You Need to Know Your body communicates when something is wrong, often...
The milia, which is as well known as milk spots, is actually a harmless skin disorder that manifests in the form of...
Nowadays, probably the most popular topic among all women in the world is how to lose weight fast and stay in shape....
Having fat or plump does mean that you cannot get rid of it, and also this should not make you think negatively...
Due to our hectic lifestyle, we are under constant pressure and stress. Over time, stress can trigger various health issues. One of...