Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, and as soon as it is discovered, there is a greater chance that it will grow. That’s why you do not have to rely solely on routine tests, but you need to listen to your own body.
Fever or difficulty in breathing
One of the first signs of lung cancer can be taken in patients with breathing problems. Often bleeding from the nose or the appearance of the tenderness suggests that something bad happens with thrombocytes and red blood cells, which may be a sign of leukemia. By the time cells destroy the red blood grain, which damages the ability of the blood to transmit the oxygen.
Chronic cough, chest pain, and weakness any types of cancer, including leukemia and lung tumors, can cause symptoms that mimic strong cough or bronchitis. Some sick patients said that they had chest pain that stretched from shoulder to fist. If you feel you are constantly tired for no reason, check with your doctor.
Continuous temperature or infection
These signs may indicate leukemia, blood vessel cancer that occurs in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes an abnormal increase in white blood cells, which weakens the body and reduces the body’s ability to fight infections.
Surprisingly painful menstrual cycles or bleeding between cycles
Many women have said this is a symptom of endometrial or breast cancer. If you have severe menstrual cycles, skip ultrasound.
Lined lymph nodes or braces on the neck, under the armpits or groin
This indicates changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. Patients with lung cancer have been experiencing the onset of swelling, island or red on the face. Small tumors on the lungs usually block the blood vessels in the chest, preventing the blood flowing free from the head and face. There are different types of cancer – melanoma, basocelular and planocellular carcinoma – which is why you need to be careful and check your health if you have weird growths on the body.
Overcoming or gaining weight in the abdominal area
Women who have ovarian cancer have said they had an inexplicable overturn that suddenly appeared and lasted for a long time. Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool is usually the results of colorectal cancer. Blood during an emergency is the reason for contacting your doctor and causing a colonoscopy. Cramps in the stomach or an abrupt stomach can indicate colon cancer.
The essence of satiety and inability to eat; stomach ache
This may also indicate ovarian cancer; Women said they did not have an appetite and could not eat, even when they did not eat longer. The pain in the carcinoma or stomach should not interfere with ovulation and is ovarian cancer. Also, it may indicate leukemia due to an enlarged spleen. Piggy weight loss is an early sign of colon cancer and seizure problems. This cancer may spread to the liver, affecting the appetite and the ability to release the body of harmful substances and waste. Swallowing problems are in conjunction with esophagus or throat cancer and are sometimes an early sign of lung cancer, too.
Changes to nipples
One of the most noticeable changes women receives before breast cancer are changes in their nipples. They become flattened, inversely or side-by-side. Red, painful or swollen breasts may indicate inflammation and breast cancer. Contact your doctor if you have any changes in the chest.
Change in nails
Unexplained nail changes may be different signs of cancer. Brown or black flakes under the nail can point to skin cancer, as well as enlargement at the tip of the fingers, which can tip to the tip, maybe a sign of lung cancer. Bled or white nails sometimes point to cancer of the liver.