
How To Remove Dark Circles Under The Eyes With These 7 Remedies

When dark circles under our eyes appear it can be very frustrating and it very often due to fatigue and so, having a good eight-hour sleep every night can help you how to remove under eye dark circles.

But, these can as well be a result of allergies and genetics, and today we will tell you seven ways in order to clear the skin and how to remove under eye dark circles in a totally natural way.

Cucumber compress
These are full of antioxidants that will soothe the skin and also give it a healthy-looking glow, so place some cucumber slices in the fridge for half an hour and then put them under your eyes, and after fifteen minutes wash the face with cool water.

Sweet almond oil
This one can moisturize the skin and reduce the swelling, and what you should do is apply some drops under the eyes and lightly massage the area before you go to bed.

You should massage this area gently for a few minutes starting from the temples to the nasal bridge to boost blood flow and then apply moisturizing cream, and this will moisturize the skin and help you to get rid of dark circles.

Tomato juice
This is full of antioxidant known as lycopene that tightens and tones the skin, and you should just apply some of this juice under the eyes and let it act for some ten minutes and then just wash with cool water.

Potato juice
These are very high in vitamin C that will rejuvenate and whiten the skin, and you should just grate one potato and squeeze its juice and then dip cotton pads in it. After this, put these cotton pads under the eyes and let them act for ten minutes, and afterward, rinse with water.

Herbal ice cubs
The eyes will tighten the skin and will make it more elastic. This will smoothe the wrinkles and will also minimize the swelling. If you wish for best results, freeze an herbal brew into the ice cubes.

Take aside one spoon of sage leaves, parsley, cornflowers and chamomile flowers for every 200ml of water. Pour some boiling water and leave for two hours.

After it cools down, put this mix into ice molds and place in the freezer. Then rub the cube around the eyes for a minute every morning after waking up.

Tea compress
The tea is full of antioxidants, tannins and also caffeine that reduces the puffiness and minimize the dark circles. Make one glass of green or black tea. Leave for it to cool down and soak some cotton pads in it. And place them under the eyes for fifteen minutes. This is most common use on how to remove under eye dark circles.

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