Holistic Health and Wellness

Garlic Milk Is The Home Remedy That’ll Give You Relief From Sciatica And Back Pain

The milder forms of sciatica usually pass by on their own, but they can often help people’s medications for harder cases. One of the more popular recipes for eating disorders is milk with garlic.

According to statistics, unbearable back pain is the first place when it comes to the reasons why people are absent from work. About 80 percent of people, regardless of age, at one point in their life will feel unbearable pain in this part of the body.

A type of back pain, sciatica, is particularly ill and occurs due to pressure or irritation on one of the five spinal roots of the nerves that together constitute the sciatica nerve.

The milder forms of sciatica usually pass by on their own, but they can often help people’s medications for harder cases. One of the more popular recipes for eating disorders is milk with garlic.

It sounds strange and not very tasty, but the sufferers swear that it works.

Recipe for garlic milk:

-4 crushed cloves garlic
-Cold milk
-Honey to taste


Put the garlic and milk in the pot and wait for it to boil on low heat, stirring constantly. When it is boiling, remove it from the cooking zone, wait for it to submerge and soften it to your liking. Because garlic dilutes the blood, this mixture should not be consumed more than once a day, but it is quite enough to ease your pain.

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